Old front page (used before the conference)

This wiki was originally used for planning a conference.

After the conference, it is now being used to plan follow-up activities.

The old front page is below.

KM 7/9/09



This wiki is a temporary space for planning a conference

(and a follow-up process including web-based support).





Background info about the conference

The conference is called 'The Citizen and the Law of Armed Conflict'.

It will take place at Friends House, Euston on September 1st and 2nd 2009.

More details are on the conference registration website,  flier (Flier.pdf) and the original  background paper


About this wiki

What wikis are and how to use them (applies to any wiki)

Policies (ground rules for using this wiki: including how to get writer access)



To-DO lists

Lists of what needs to be done and who will do it.



Pages for planning Conference details




Reports from the conference


Post-conference follow-up



Minutes of committee meetings and papers circulated

11th July 2009: Group Meeting as circulated by GF

11th July 2009: KM's notes (now incorporated, with MP's notes,  into GF's notes)

31 July 2009 Group Meeting  as circulated by GF

22 July 2009 Phone Conference  on Discussion Groups  

23 July 2009 Phone Conference on publicity

30 July 2009 Phone Conference  on Discussion Groups 

1  August 2009 Group Meeting (minutes by JM)


People involved (should we have a page on this?)